Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why You Fought in Iraq

Nothin doin', ya old punk. There's nothing nowhere in the papers  'bout me having to give you a drink cuz yoiu think a man is free to ask and get cuz he wants something.

Listen here, my man, this is a great nation because the likes of you caught a bullet sent you by the wrong flag, and those freedoms weren't just for me to ask you a sip of your stash, but for you also, my man, to tell me fuck no on this corner when I ask you for the neck of the bottle , my right as well, to tickle your fancy and make you see red...

Back off and keep your claws in what's left of your pants, farmer. Where I was and what I did and how I got back here talking to you about my bottle is nothing we began talking about. We were talking about what movie to see.

Fuck the movie and give a drink, buster, thirst outweights pleasure.

So what you want to see?

I wanted to see some titty movies, but they tore all those places down, the Pussycat, The Aztec, the See More.

See More Theatre? That was in Pacific Beach?

Yeah. Now it's a Clothing Store for punk tats and rats and scabie coated grimmies. Gimmee that bottle or I'll punch  you in the face.

Go punch a clock first, Jack. I collected a lot of cans for this swirling delight, and all the brackishness and backwash is mine cuz I earned with with the smashed tin I turned in, dig it?

I hate punk rock.

That's why I do see movies instead of buying music cuz there are no guitars on mars.


No guitars on mars.

Shut up, man, your drunk. Gimmee a blast.

No , man, I'm gonna find some place to hang it and let go and then catch the bus and go downtown to the Plaza for a movie and a snore. You can get your own bottle.

Fuck it then, I'll do just that. I'll just get a bottle of my own.

Now you're talking.

And then I'll write my name on the ally wall.

Nuff sed.

What you wanna see?

Something loud and crude.

Dig it, brother. Let's motor.

1 comment:

  1. This tale is a heartbreaking indictment of our society and the particular nape of the neck we find ourselves digging our proboscises into. It updates the unresolved question “Why are we in Viet Nam” within the context of a world where there are too many gaping, toothless vowels and not enough breath mints. This is Vladimir and Estragon waiting in front of the Get It On Shoppe for a Number 34 with the last tweaked note of “Manic Mechanic” hanging in the air. A Banquet meal of the mind, truly boiled in the bag!
