Sunday, June 13, 2010

Name that product

Angry bonzo wing nut Zorba Tuner!
Forget about it!
Enamel wedge tater formula pipe extractor!


  1. “Ever try arguing with a red and white checkered table cloth? It’s inexorable, unyielding, pure 10,000-foot thick glacial ice pressing against your eyeballs for a billion years. Those alternating red and white checks will not shift, will not jump over themselves or try anything cute – it’s not the morning commute on 395 when everybody’s changing lanes and scratching themselves, brother. You could scream until you are asked to leave the restaurant, then the country. The cloth stays and they put you in a cab – checkered, of course – and it’s off to the Filippi’s in PB to start the whole damn thing over again…” – found on a napkin on Tourmaline.

  2. This town hasn't ever , never recovered from the Sex Wax Wars. Fuck no. Mantis and Bagel Phillipe were dogging it between the Scripps pylons when a tribe of CaJoners , geeked on Gordo's Grease, aimed their guns full fins at both of them. Nothing but foam and shaving cream lather, bud, don't even ask about it. Hadda pop a tab on a cold Jones from Ocean Toad to get the clam off my member. Wind and Sea still frets when the sun goes down...
